Princess Giorgia Marin of Lesina becomes Countess of Mondeval


  Here we are with the new Countess of Mondeval. You all know who Princess Giorgia of Lesina is, but what most of you probably don’t know is that, since October 1, 2018, her title has actually changed. Giorgia Isabella Sofia Marin di Lesina, the stylish daughter of the Marquess and Marchioness of Lesina has been holding the title of Princess of Lesina since her birth, as tradition for all female children … Continua a leggere

Exclusive interview with Giorgia Marin

On Friday, 25th May 2018, I had the privilege to interview Her Illustrious Highness Princess Giorgia of Marin and Lesina. The 20 year old aristocrat and actress spoke about her family, her career, her interests and her plans for the future. Your Illustrious Highness, Giorgia, Princess Giorgia… how do I have to address you? Giorgia, of course.  Excellent, Giorgia. How are you? Thanks … Continua a leggere

Happy 20th Birthday Giorgia Marin

Giorgia of Marin and Lesina

  On 8 April 2018 Princess Giorgia Marin of Lesina, granddaughter of the 15th Count of Marin, turned 20 years old. The princess and actress hosted a unique birthday party at Hollywood Rythmoteque, one of the most exclusive clubs of Milan. Friends, family, celebrities and members of the nobility gathered to celebrate the young star. The party was hosted by the Marquess of Lesina … Continua a leggere

Infernet, Giorgia Marin alla ribalta

Lo scorso 17 gennaio Infernet, film a sfondo sociale diretto da Giuseppe Ferlito, è approdato su Rai 2. Molti sono i nomi noti tra il cast: da Remo Girone a Ricky Tognazzi, da Daniela Poggi a Roberto Farnesi e Laura Adriani. E poi c’è lei, la più piccola dei protagonisti: Giorgia Marin. Un risveglio felice quello di ieri per la … Continua a leggere