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Happy 20th Birthday Giorgia Marin


On 8 April 2018 Princess Giorgia Marin of Lesina, granddaughter of the 15th Count of Marin, turned 20 years old.

The princess and actress hosted a unique birthday party at Hollywood Rythmoteque, one of the most exclusive clubs of Milan.

Friends, family, celebrities and members of the nobility gathered to celebrate the young star.

The party was hosted by the Marquess of Lesina (Prince Luca Marin of Lesina, Giorgia’s father) and organized by O’Jour commercial advisor Deborah Pata and by Mantis Media press agent Francesca D’Ascola.

The Princess wore a red dress by Valentino with Crazy bag firmed by her friend Paola Graglia. Her make up was by worldwide known make up artist Luisa Festa and her hairstyle was by Alfonso Iannotta (both guests at the party).

Birthday wishes came from actress Kelly Rutherford, worldwide known for her role in Gossip Girl and close friend of the princess. But also actresses Laura Adriani and Marta Gastini, together with Cecilia Capriotti, Eva Henger and agent Massimiliano Caroletti gathered to celebrate the young aristocrat. Among them also American fashion designer Isabella Ayoub, Italian fashion designer Paola Graglia, the famous talent manager Marcello Iappelli.

Special mention to Giampiero Vignotto and Gianluca Teso, historical best friends of Princess Giorgia.

Princess Giorgia with Renate Meyer, one of her best friends. 


Happy 20th Birthday Giorgia Marinultima modifica: 2018-04-18T16:53:39+02:00da
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