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Exclusive interview with Giorgia Marin

On Friday, 25th May 2018, I had the privilege to interview Her Illustrious Highness Princess Giorgia of Marin and Lesina. The 20 year old aristocrat and actress spoke about her family, her career, her interests and her plans for the future.

Your Illustrious Highness, Giorgia, Princess Giorgia… how do I have to address you?

Giorgia, of course. 

Excellent, Giorgia. How are you? Thanks for accepting to be interviewed.

I’m very well thank you.

You have just turned 20, you have already been in a movie as the main character and you are a fashion icon. Your way of dressing up inspires a lot of people. How do you feel about that? Do you have stylists who follow you everyday?

Yes, when I have important events I have a stylist who follows me but I don’t have stylists in my everyday life. I just love dressing up and I have my mother who’s super keen on fashion and always loves to suggest me different and new outfits. It’s just something I do for me, I’m not a fashion blogger or something similar, so I don’t feel the pressure. 

Your family was a princely family of the Holy Roman Empire descending from Fernando of Castile and Mendoza, Sovereign Prince and 1st Count of Marin (title created by Charles V in 1520, E.d.) Your parents are the Marquess and Marchioness of Lesina and your grandfather is Prince Umberto, 15th Count of Marin and current head of the Marin Household.  What is it like being part of such an important family? What is your relationship with your parents and grandparents like?

My family is like any other family. I have a beautiful and special relationship with my parents, they’re my best friends. They’re that kind of parents you can tell everything to and they always support me in whatever I do. They truly are the best parents in the world. As far as my grandparents are concerned, they’re nice people. They love me and I love them.

Through your Instagram I got to know that you are a big fan of a Spanish tv series called “Charles, King Emperor” which follows the life of Charles V from his arrival to Spain to his death. Is it because of your ancestry? Are you into Netflix series as well, as it is the new trend right now?

Oh, I’m so in love with Carlos, Rey Emperador but it doesn’t have anything to do with my ancestry obviously.  I am a fan of historical series in general, so I decided to give it a try and I became sort of addicted (she laughs, e.d.). It’s wonderfully done and the acting is amazing. The protagonists Álvaro Cervantes and Blanca Suárez are absolutely outstanding. They make you part of the story, it seems like you are with them and you can feel their joys, their pains, their emotions and feelings. They are those kind of actors who don’t even need words, they say it all with their facial expressions. Together with Adriana Ugarte they are the example of what an actor really is and they are by far the best actors of their generation in Spain. And the series covers up one of the most important periods in the history of Spain, as far as literature is concerned as well, so it is really worth watching. And of course I’m into Netflix series. I love Cable Girls (Las Chicas del Cable in Spanish, e.d.) and I watched and absolutely adored Reign and I’m currently watching Dynasty which stars the amazing Kelly Rutherford, who’s a great friend of mine. She’s truly amazing and apart from being one of the most terrific actresses, she’s one of my favourite human beings as well. She’s special, kindhearted, caring, lovely and always so supportive. A true role model, indeed. I just love her so much. 

If you were picked for another movie, would you take inspiration from an actor you particularly appreciate for preparing your role, or would you prefer not to do that?

I really like Adelaide Kane, she’s my prototype of the actor. I like her in every character she plays, as she’s able to manage it all with such an incredible mastery. She is is so convincing in every role that she can hold an audience captive and make them feel as if there is nothing but the story at hand. She’s brilliant and she shines in everything she does. So I would probably take inspiration from Adelaide, as I have a deep admiration for her.

 You are envied by millions of people. But is your life really perfect? 

My life is anything but perfect. Of course I show the best part of it on my social media’s but I have my problems, I have fought my battles and I’ve been through a lot of things. I’m that kind of person who always hides the pain behind a smile, so you will never know if  I’m happy or sad. Only very few people I completely trust have access to my private life. 

What are you studying, Giorgia? What would you like to become in the future?

I’m currently attending University in Milan, studying to become an interpreter. That is my dream, to work as an interpreter. I have always loved languages. I speak English, Spanish, German and Italian, of course.

And what about your acting career?

Right now I’m studying very hard and I’m not paying too much attention to it. Being in Infernet was an amazing experience, but my life will not be based on that. 

Giorgia, it was a pleasure talking to you. You are one brilliant and clever girl and you will go very far. My best wishes to your parents, T.Ill.H the Marquess and Marchioness of Lesina, and to your grand parents, T.Ill.H the Count and Countess of Marin.

Thank you very much, it was my pleasure.

Exclusive interview with Giorgia Marinultima modifica: 2018-05-28T15:32:06+02:00da
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